Paranormal Programs at Mansfield Reformatory
The Ohio State Reformatory has a long, documented history of paranormal activity and is a premiere location for all paranormal enthusiasts. The reformatory offers a unique opportunity to experience and explore the paranormal world as well as the stunning limestone architecture of the former prison. Whether you are an experienced investigator or just curious about the unknown, our paranormal team will be there to assist you. Tri-C Ghost Hunters is our resident paranormal team.
The Ohio State Reformatory is one of the most haunted and scariest places in America, as cited by many on-line resources, as well as the Travel Channel.

8+1 EMF
LED lights allow easy reading of the results and the power on/off status in the dark.
The range that correlates to each color is printed right next to each light in Milligauss and Micro Tesla. Milligauss and Micro Tesla are the units of measure so we know how strong the anomalous and natural readings are. Very simple to use.

EMF Meter with Temperature & Audible Alert
Sound and light Alarm – When the test result exceeds the safe range, the screen will light red and there is also an audible alarm (the sound can be muted)
Data Hold & Max Measurement – you can freeze the screen when you get an unusual reading. You can also log in with the highest reading obtained.
Large & Clear LCD Display – The EMF and Temperature readings are always on the screen.

Micro Red Pod
The Micro Red Pod is a proximity Sensor with 4 multicolor LEDs and sound. This works like other REM devices by creating a field around the antenna. The closer to the antenna something capacitive gets the higher sounds and more lights. It calibrates every 5 sec for the most accuracy.

Laser Grid
Easily Detect Motion and Visual Disturbances, even in the dark. Red laser gridlines can be seen on most cameras.

K2 Meter
The K2 meter measures EMF levels, which can fluctuate in the presence of paranormal activity.
Investigators often use it to communicate with spirits by asking them to manipulate the EMF field,
causing the meter's LED lights to flash.
Paranormal Program Contact Information
Kathy Feketik, Paranormal Program Manager
419-522-2644 ext. 103